I have been practising yoga for 25 years and teaching for 17 years.
I love Yoga
I always feel better after practising yoga, whether it’s a full class or just ten minutes of mindful breathing. Yoga makes me feel more steady in body, breath and mind. More steady on the mat and more steady in life.
I love teaching yoga
There are many styles and ways of practicing yoga. I teach hatha yoga which is the main type of yoga taught in the West. This yoga focuses on:
- Asana (the physical postures)
- Pranayama (breathing exercises)
- Pratyahara (focusing inwards – relaxation techniques)
Through my own practice and teaching I continue to learn about yoga. I observe what helps me and what helps my students and incorporate this into my teaching. The yoga I teach is about maintaining or improving:
- Strength
- Balance
- Range of movement in the joints
- A sense of ease and comfort in the physical body, the breath and the mind
I believe that yoga practice is about improving our health and wellbeing, allowing us to enjoy life on and off the mat.
Qualification and Insurance:
British Wheel of Yoga